Spring-flowering bulbs you need to plant now

As autumn arrives, it's time to start thinking about spring flowers! Plant spring-flowering bulbs now, and you'll have a fantastic display of colour early next year. Here are our top 10 favourite spring-flowering bulbs.

Ten spring-flowering bulbs

  1. Daffodils (Narcissus) are one of the most popular and easy-to-grow spring bulbs, and there's an incredible variety of different flowers to suit all tastes. Depending on the type you choose, you can have flowers any time from late winter (Narcissus' January Gold') to late spring (Narcissus pseudonarcissus – the daffodil that inspired Wordsworth!) Daffodils do best in full sun and well-drained soil.

  2. Tulips are a splash of vibrant colour in spring. Ranging from dwarf Tulip' Little Beauty' to statuesque Tulip' Queen of Night', there are tulips to suit all garden sizes, and they're great for pots too. Tulips are very easy to grow, preferring a sunny spot and well-drained soil.

  3. Crocuses are one of the first signs of spring, cheering up cold grey days with their small goblet-shaped flowers in bright colours. They're ideal for pots and also look lovely naturalised on a lawn. Crocuses love the sun and well-drained soil.

  4. Iris reticulata are the earliest irises to flower, blooming in late winter and early spring. Their elegant flowers look stunning, combined with early daffodils in pots. Look for Iris' Harmony, with its deep blue flowers, or rich purple Iris' Pauline'. Iris reticulata bulbs do best in well-drained soil in full sun.

  5. Snake-head fritillaries (Fritillaria meleagris) are suitable for damp soils and will grow happily in light shade. With their striking white or maroon nodding flowers and snakeskin marbling, these elegant spring bulbs look fantastic planted in large groups or on naturalised lawns.

  6. Camassia is another good choice for damp soils. Planted in large groups, their tall spires of flowers look like blue mist in spring.

  7. English bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) are woodland plants and grow well in dappled shade. Plant them in large swathes for a sea of blue flowers in mid-spring.

  8. Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) flower in late winter, a welcome sign that spring is on its way. These delicate white nodding flowers with green markings are happy growing under deciduous trees or shrubs where they will get sun in early spring before the leaves appear.

  9. Hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis) are loved for their beautiful fragrance and come in a wide range of gorgeous colours, like the bright pink flowers of Hyacinth' Jan Bos' or beautiful soft yellow Hyacinth 'City of Haarlem'. They look superb in pots near the house or planted along the edge of a path so you can appreciate the fragrance as you pass.

  10. Winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) produce carpets of gold in late winter with their bright yellow buttercup flowers. They're ideal for planting around deciduous trees and shrubs to bring colour to a shady spot. 

Get set for a fantastic spring display with our great range of spring-flowering bulbs. Visit our centre today to pick up a pack of your favourites and start planting your spring bulbs this autumn.

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